“I was so happy that I have found you!” The bride said on her wedding day when we met her finally in Llandudno, Wales. “I jumped up and down when you said can do my wedding photos! Your works are beautiful!” The bride is a descendent of Irish and Eastern European. She loves fashionable, trendy look wedding photos. The groom is from Nigeria. Both of them currently living in England.

There were some preparation before the wedding. Since the bride is drawn to fashion wedding shoot, we suggested to have a look at their chosen dress and suit, also accessories and makeup and hair styling trial. After, we have drew mood board with different ideas of poses, light set up and props which we think could be suitable for them. Not a surprise, the photos do look exactly how we imagined. The couple just look fabulous and cool.

1 out of 10 couples would choose to have fashion, moody look for their wedding photos. No matter what the couples like, we work with them and prepare to ‘wow’ them with the final pictures.

We have drove nearly 5 hours from London to Llandudno this beautiful seaside town. It is a picturesque place. The couple chose St John’s Church for their wedding blessing ceremony. The couple has signed marriage documents a few years ago, but the couple would like to have a formal blessing from the church. At the same time, the groom and their two children were baptised. It was a great day! People in Llandudno were very kind to us and seemed they were celebrating with the family when they walked pass during the family shoot outside the church.

After the formal family shoot, we followed the wedding car to different locations for the couple portraits. After that we headed to The Old Rectory Country House in Conwy. Just this time, we told the couple to go first and we would come after packing up the lighting equipment.

The GPS led us to a hill. It was a tight one way street and we found that the venue was not there. Then, we were trapped on the road for 40mins because there was a car parked on the road and we could not reverse. After knocking on a house door for 30 mins, a lady came out and pointed the way to us, however, there was some smoke came out from the car when we tried to reverse, so for safety reason, we carried all the equipment and walked to the venue instead. Thank God it was not far away!

We have extended the service time for the couple and caught the nice sunset shot for them – facing the marvellous mountains and river in a romantic garden of the venue. That is a dream come true moment!

After our work has finished, we were trapped again for another 5 hours in the venue waiting the recovery service to come to check the car. After the mechanic said it was all fine, we drove for another 5 hours home. There was a funny story in between. When we went to get the car, we heard some noise and there could be some animals close to us as there were movement in the bush. The noise sounded like warning. To be honest, at that time, we were a bit scared because we did not know what kind of animal was that! After awhile, we shared the story with friends, they said most likely those are sheep, as there are many farms with sheep in Wales. What an experience!

To see more photos and videos, please keep an eye on our website, facebook page and vimeo page. Thank you!

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