Let’s Get Married (When We are Free to Do So)

Let’s Get Married (When We are Free to Do So)

By Tina, lead photographer Recently, I saw a post popped up on my Facebook feed written by my sister who has lost her husband who suffered from brain cancer last year, “Love, in Time”. Somehow we all take it for granted about being loved and be able to love someone...
How do the grooms see weddings?

How do the grooms see weddings?

We all know that it is a tough difficult time since the world stands still, quite a lot of countries are in lockdown. It affects our lives, economy, businesses, relationship, psychology and communities. For now, we would like to get you all away from this. Let’s...
American x British Wedding

American x British Wedding

“I did not think it would come.” The bride said. “We have been together 15 years.” It is never too late to get married. All you need is The One and you are sure about it. It was a happy day, we have witnessed the bride trying to put the ring...
Walsh Wedding with a Fashionable Bride

Walsh Wedding with a Fashionable Bride

“I was so happy that I have found you!” The bride said on her wedding day when we met her finally in Llandudno, Wales. “I jumped up and down when you said can do my wedding photos! Your works are beautiful!” The bride is a descendent of Irish...