Let’s Get Married (When We are Free to Do So)

Let’s Get Married (When We are Free to Do So)

By Tina, lead photographer Recently, I saw a post popped up on my Facebook feed written by my sister who has lost her husband who suffered from brain cancer last year, “Love, in Time”. Somehow we all take it for granted about being loved and be able to love someone...
10 Winning Bridal Photography Trends This Year

10 Winning Bridal Photography Trends This Year

A wedding is a day to remember, and preserving those magical memories is a high priority. Traditionally, photographers spend an hour or two getting group photos, which means less time to enjoy the reception. This can be extremely disappointing, especially since many...
Your Guide to Perfect Wedding Catering

Your Guide to Perfect Wedding Catering

So many details to plan out, and so many different people to please! A spotless wedding needs an expert hand here and there, and catering is no different, but you can give it your personal touch by working with your caterers to keep the menus friendly for a broad...
5 Ways to Guarantee She Says ‘Yes’ to Your Marriage Proposal

5 Ways to Guarantee She Says ‘Yes’ to Your Marriage Proposal

Everybody wants to have the perfect proposal full of surprise, happiness, and of course the perfect ring. It’s a once in a lifetime moment that the person will experience and for both people, they want it to be one of the most memorable moments that they can share...
Get Inspired by These Over-the-Top Wedding Ideas

Get Inspired by These Over-the-Top Wedding Ideas

Your wedding day is finally set and you want to make it perfect. Are we right? Of course, we are. There is hardly anyone who hasn’t once dreamt about their big day at least, so, once it comes, it’s perfectly normal that you want it to be unique and memorable. This is...