There’s something that all those millions of couples who get married each year wish. They all want to have those they love the most present on the day, so that they can share their happiness with all of them. Yes, we are talking about family and friends, but does the list end there?
Apparently not, since more and more people are trying to include their pets in the ceremony. As we know, some owners simply can’t imagine their life without their pets and would do anything to have them at all the important moments in life. Since pets at weddings are not so uncommon any more, here are some ideas for you to consider if you’d like to have that “special guest” at your wedding.
Photo shoot
Just like you’d have a family photo with your dog, because it is a true family member, there’s no reason not to include it in your wedding photoshoot. The effect will be much more interesting and personal pictures and you’re bound to have loads of fun during the process. If you check out some of the photos with pets at weddings, you’ll see what we’re talking about.
Include them in the ceremony
It goes without saying that you need a pet which is known for good manners and discipline if you want to include it in the wedding ceremony, which is why this point refers mainly to dogs, but perhaps you can try with some other pet as well? A dog can sit still next to you or someone special during the ceremony or hold a box with your wedding rings, which will also make not only that moment, but the whole experience much more memorable.
Help them accommodate
Now that many venues welcome pets at wedding receptions, you can expect that there’ll be a bowl of water and some food available. What’s more, there’s usually a person in charge of taking your dog out in case it starts barking. In order to minimise the risk of something going wrong, pick a pet-friendly wedding venue in Sydney and take your dog there to get used to it. That way, it won’t be nervous and find it all too overwhelming on your big day.
They can also dress up

Even if you’ve never done it before, your wedding is a great opportunity for you to dress up your dog, so that it can fit the entire wedding party. Allowing it to play and mingle with the guest is another great addition to such an unusual experience. Not only will the guests be given a reason to smile and be happy, but your dog will also feel part of a big, happy family.
Kids and pets – a sure winner

Most wedding receptions have at least a few kids in attendance. This is often a problem, since most of them don’t find such occasions particularly interesting and they try to entertain themselves in a way that might be disturbing or even annoying to other guests. One of the ways to prevent something like that from happening is to give the kids a responsibility to take care of your pet. Not only will they feel important and useful, but your pet will also feel more secure in such an environment. Naturally, you can’t expect a five-year-old to be fully committed to such a task, nor can you expect any kid to deal with a huge dog, for example, but if your pet is well-behaved and relatively small, you might strike a perfect balance.
As you can see, pets, especially dogs, can be a great addition to your wedding, but in order to make the most of it, you really need to have realistic expectations. It would be wrong to test some idea you’ve never tested before and just hope that everything will turn out as planned. You also need to factor in the fact that your pet, no matter how well-trained and kind, might succumb to the pressure and a new environment, in which case you’ll need to come up with plan B. However, if you’re realistic and sensible, your big celebration just might be even greater thanks to your beloved pet.
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