Amy and Matthew are both nice to work with. We are glad to learn their sweet love story! On their wedding day, we were moved by their bonding with each other as well as their supportive family and friends.Love story competition is now open again until 31/1/2017. Submit your story and you will have a chance to win amazing prizes with our photography and videography services.

Thank you!

Our love story…..

My fiance and I first started speaking on MSN chat when we were 15 through a mutual friend. It was pretty random. We would talk on the phone till 4am which my dad disapproved of, and insisted on embarrassing me shouting down the phone that he would confiscate it! I insisted to my mum who knew better that we were just friends and I couldn’t be in a long term relationship with a soldier as it wouldn’t work. I started going on ‘dates’ as ‘just friends’ then finally had to admit to myself I was falling head over heals for this guy! At this point we still hadn’t met, it could have been a cat fish if I’m honest! We spoke for about a year but always had excuses as to why we couldn’t meet, but looking back at each other when we were 15, with my orange face and his lovely Adidas trackies I’m quite glad we didn’t! FINALLY, we arranged to meet for my friends 18th birthday in classy Yetses. Nerves and the first time on wine and the classy party girl I was I threw up on some stairs then still proceeded to snog him for the first time, he didn’t even notice! Yack! I only just recently told him that story which his reply to was “If only I knew!” From then on we started ‘seeing each other’. I played it cool trying to hide how smitten I was. I played hard to get so much he got another girlfriend! Luckily for me, she cheated on him and we started talking again. Before long we were a couple. The first time he told me he loved me he was so nervous bless him. Far too soon he was sent to Afghanistan for six months on the front line. We wrote to each other every couple of weeks and he phoned when he could (about once a month). It was the most difficult time but we made it through stronger than ever! When he was back he was based in Windsor and we lived between my mum and dads and his dad’s each weekend, saving for a house. After 3 years of saving, we bought our first house and made it home. After a year of living together and know he was going to be sent back to Windsor at some point, I decided I needed a dog for company. We argued about getting a dog, I wanted one, he didn’t. We got a dog! He is now besotted by our fury son Sam! (Crazy dog woman alert). We rarely spoke about marriage and he planted anti-marriage thoughts into my head for at least a year before proposing (all part of his plan). August this year we went to Roda in Greece a lovely little fishing village. It was so beautiful. We went to Corfu town and had a three-course candlelit meal. Matthew wasn’t nervous at all so I suspected nothing. We walked along the promenade and was feeling so in love surrounded by the beautiful stars as it was pitch black, we had missed the sunset as I decided I wanted a pudding in the restaurant even though he had tried to put me off and I said, “relax we’ve got all night!”. He got down on one knee and I couldn’t even see the ring so I said, “get up and stop being stupid!” He continued to ask me to marry him shuffling along the rocks on one knee. I continued to walk away thinking he was joking and I was in utter shock! Sounds ridiculous but I told him to swear down on his sister’s life He did. I made him do it all over again, I started crying as he slipped the ring on that was four sizes too big on my finger and I squealed yes! He then had to endure two-hour coach trip back to the hotel with me talking about how amazing our wedding would be. Once back home I wasn’t wastin any time planning our big day. The only problem was being in the Armed Forces you couldn’t exactly plan two years ahead so we had to book with only a years notice and make it the best with what we have, due to not knowing where Matthew will be posted.

We have been together seven years now and last month we booked our venue at Dimple Well Lodge in Ossett for the 13.08.16 and I can not wait to marry my lovely man!