By Tina, lead photographer
Recently, I saw a post popped up on my Facebook feed written by my sister who has lost her husband who suffered from brain cancer last year, “Love, in Time”.
Somehow we all take it for granted about being loved and be able to love someone back. We all know it by theory, but this time, we really felt it. That is what the pandemic has taught us.
My thoughts are with those lovers who are separated in different locations, different cities or even different countries and also those cohabiting couples.
Miss the time travel together, eating out, have date nights, watch movies in cinemas, buy each other gifts, celebrate each other’s birthdays, experience together, laugh, cry, hangover together.
I asked several people, some of them gutted they just haven’t make the decision to get married sooner when they knew he/ she is the one.
This time, let’s do it ‘in time’. Doesn’t matter if it is a grand wedding or not, because our eyes only focus on our loved ones. By the altar, in front of the witnesses, we vow to love and take care each other till death do us part.
It is why I kept practicing my photography skills. Each love story is important, is priceless, worthy to be remembered and announced. It is our privilege to witness them and capture all these important moments.
Here are some detail shots took during the lockdown.

Why detail shots are important? Normally brides and grooms spend hours on choosing the theme colours, decorations, accessories and clothing, flowers, invitation cards, table plan and so on for their big days based on their characters. In order to ‘feel’ the day relive, we would like to sense the smell, feel the light, the atmosphere, the texture and emotion. All these help us to achieve that. When putting detail shots in the album, it helps to glue different moments together and tell a complete story.
If there are only three things you can capture for the day, what would they be? Do you think details shots are important? Let us know your thoughts.
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