We have provided wedding photography and videography service to the friendly and intimate British bride & groom with their little angels in Teddington, South-West London during Christmas Eve period in last December.
This wedding was our another Christmas story wedding especially feeling the atmosphere while taking the beautiful couple’s photos with two of them in front of the classic fancy Christmas tree.

Winter weddings are more different than summer time weddings for us because of a cold weather outside sundown goes finishing quickly and the couples also their guests want to go indoor. We usually take more artificial light bulb bright photos than summer time natural day light photo and video shoots.

Their wedding church ceremony was held in Saint Mary with Saint Alban Church, Teddington and their wedding banquet was held in Glenmore House wedding venue, Surbiton.

For this wedding our couple was also surprised by one of the young bridesmaids’ birthday party celebration during their speech part.

End of the day we took beautiful photos and video film scenes especially their couple shoot when the bride’s and groom’s son got involved them. But the little boy wasn’t so happy because he was too little and it was bored for him. But we got what we wanted while this romantic shoots from our couple.

We wish them a happy married life ever after!

We can definitely help capturing your winter wedding in an authentic way. Contact us today!
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